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All Auburn employees traveling outside the 50 United States on Auburn business are required to submit a request for authorization to travel (RAT50) form at least 30 days prior to departure and enroll in international emergency travel insurance with Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) through the university. This travel insurance can also be purchased for dependents traveling with an Auburn employee. Beginning Aug. 15, the insurance fee for dependents will increase to $5 per day, per dependent, while the employee rate will remain at $2.50 per day.
Employee insurance is paid by a university department’s FOAP. Individuals who wish to purchase insurance for their dependents must pay this expense personally. In the event a trip starts before Aug. 15 and continues after that date, the increased rate will be applied to the days on or after Aug. 15.
For a detailed outline of the RAT50 process, please review OIP’s website.