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Leslie Cordie, associate professor of adult education in the College of Education’s Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Technology, received a medal from the Irish government in recognition of her leadership of Research Network #3 for the Asia-Europe Meeting Lifelong Learning Hub, or ASEM LLL, at University College Cork in Ireland.

ASEM LLL hosted Global Lifelong Learning Week May 27-31. Cordie also moderated the closing panel session for the 54th European University Continuing Education Network conference with leaders from higher education lifelong learning partners. Additional information on the conference can be found online and via Eucen’s newsletter.

Cordie was the guest of Tess Maginess, director of the Open Learning Programme at Queen’s University in Belfast, Ireland, for the launch of their Civic Mission. Maginess was recognized for her work with the Open Learning Programme during the event. Cordie has collaborated with Maginess in the past on an online certificate related to intercultural understanding. Additional information can be found online.