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Auburn University is a national finalist for the 2024 NAFSA Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. Each year, the organization grants the award to no more than five U.S. institutions in recognition of their overall excellence in internationalization as exemplified through mission, strategies, programs and results.
Spearheaded by the Office of International Programs, Auburn’s application outlined the institution’s current and future internationalization strategies and specifically the ways in which the university utilizes internationalization to elevate engagement, programmatic efforts, curriculum and faculty development, and partnerships and outreach.
The application highlighted several exceptional programs and initiatives, including Auburn’s Internationalization Strategic Plan; International Advisory Council; Global Teaching Academy; International Perspectives on University Teaching and Learning Symposium; Auburn Abroad’s increasing study abroad/exchange program participation; Auburn International Mentoring Program; Global Medallion academic microcredential; Research and Scholarship Connections Travel Grant; Auburn-Keimyung Korea Center and King Sejong Institute; and Auburn-NCKU Taiwan Center of Chinese Language and Culture.
“The Office of International Programs is proud to lead the charge in showcasing Auburn’s strategic internationalization efforts and to help facilitate the university’s global vision moving forward,” said Andrew Gillespie, assistant provost for International Programs. “Auburn’s selection as a 2024 NAFSA Simon Award finalist is a significant honor and exemplifies the institutions progress and position as global leader in higher education.”
In the past decade-plus, Auburn’s leadership has committed to the development of an international ethos across the university. Such support has been fundamental to increased internationalization efforts and opportunities for all faculty, staff and students. In 2023, Provost Vini Nathan and her office pledged financial support to fuel further study abroad growth among students who otherwise may not have the opportunity.
The Auburn Creed states that we believe this is a practical world. This means recognizing the practicality of a global world, one in which our faculty and our students must be prepared to engage across cultures and beyond borders. The Office of International Programs is devoted to maintaining and enhancing current initiatives while simultaneously staying connected to the ever-changing needs for developing a global mindset in our faculty, staff and students.