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Celebrate Native American Heritage Month

Each November, Auburn University’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity, or OID, recognizes and celebrates National Native American Heritage Month. This month serves as an opportunity to educate communities about the vast contributions of Native Americans and Indigenous communities to U.S. history and culture while raising awareness of the unique challenges the community has historically faced—and that they continue to navigate to this day.

OID also acknowledges the specific impact Native Americans and Indigenous communities have had on the state of Alabama, including the Poarch Creek, MOWA Choctaw, and Muscogee tribes. OID is committed to supporting the Indigenous members of its community.

The Auburn Family is invited to a special Dine and Discuss event designed to celebrate and honor the rich history, tradition, and culture of the original people of North America. The observance is set for Wednesday, November 15, from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. in room 2222 at the Melton Student Center. It will feature a presentation on the Indigenous History of Alabama from a representative of the Porch Creek Band and an opportunity to participate in native basket weaving.

For more information on Auburn’s commitment to fostering a welcoming environment where all can thrive, the monthly calendar, and other recognition notes, please visit OID’s website,  Instagram, or the DEI landing page.